***Church Update*** - Taking Steps Toward Reopening

There’s Still Much We Don’t Know. Here’s What We Do Know.

We Will “Reopen” As Soon As Possible

We’re still committed to following the direction of state and local authorities, but we have no intention of delaying our reopening as a church any longer than is necessary. We want to be together again - this much is wonderfully clear. When we do so, however, it will happen in stages and likely be a slow return to full “life as it used to be”.

Whenever We Begin To Reopen, It’s Critical That You Stay Home If You Might be Sick

No matter at what stage of reopening we are, if you begin to exhibit symptoms of illness or have come into contact with the coronavirus, do not come to church. Do not attend small group. Do not have others into your home. Especially until the coronavirus threat ends and as a general principle, if you’re sick, please stay home.

Practice Hospitality As Soon As You’re Able To

As Orange County reopens, before we’re able to meet in groups (like small groups), we’ll likely be allowed to gather “family to family” or “one person to one person”. If this becomes the case, have someone over for a backyard barbecue, while maintaining safe practices. Think of those who have experienced extreme isolation during this season. Consider inviting them over to your home as soon as it’s allowed by authorities.

Smaller Midweek Gatherings Will Likely Precede Sunday Gatherings

Smaller groups of people are likely to be allowed to be together before larger groups of people. While the state and county may offer different directives, this of course will dictate that we’re able to hold our midweek meetings prior to Sunday meetings. Listen to direction from your small group leader and pastoral team regarding if and when the first in-person small group, mens and women’s meetings will be.

Sunday Gatherings Will Resume in Stages

Our Sunday gatherings will be the slowest to return to normalcy. Hygiene policies will be implemented for a period of time. There will be implications for children’s ministry and how far you’re able to sit from one another during the service. These protocols will be meant to serve and protect you. Once it becomes clear that Sunday meetings will once again be allowed, look for more detailed communication from the pastoral team at that point in time.

Our Shared Priority Should Be Unity

See the blog post entitled “Church, Don’t Let Coronavirus Divide You”. Allow these three principles to guide your pursuit of unity in the face of differing opinions:

  1. Don’t pass judgment on the convictions of others (Romans 14:1-12)

  2. In humility, count others more significant than yourselves (Philippians 2:3-4)

  3. Keep the main things the main things (1 Corinthians 15:1-8)

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