A New Song This Sunday

A Christian’s Daily Prayer

As we continue to worship “together at home”, and persevere in this new normal, one massive opportunity we teach have in the midst of this new normal is to grow in our dependence upon God through prayer. This Sunday we will be learning from the 1 Thessalonians 5:17 instruction to “pray without ceasing”. In line with this, we’ll also be introducing a song that both serves as a framework for our petitions to God and is an actual expression of prayerful dependence upon God.

Listen to the song here.


As morning dawns and day awakes,
To You I bring my need
O gracious God, my source of strength,
In You I live and breathe
Each hour is Yours by wisdom planned,
Each deed empowered by sovereign hands
Renew my spirit, help me stand;
Be glorified today

As day unfolds, I seek Your will
In all of life’s demands
And though the tempter tries me still,
I cling to Your commands
Let every effort of my life
Display the matchless worth of Christ
Make me a living sacrifice;
Be glorified today

As sun gives way to darkest night
Your Spirit still is here
And though my strength fades like the light
New mercies will appear
I rest in You; abide with me
Until our trials and suffering
Give way to final victory
Be glorified, today; be glorified, I pray

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