May Calendar Update

While In Person Gatherings are cancelled, we are resuming our monthly meetings via Zoom

Our Sunday morning services will continue to be live-streamed, but here is what you can expect for our other meetings:

1. 1st & 3rd Friday Nights - Small Groups (Via Zoom)

On the nights when we normally would have small group, we still be holding small group but it will be through Zoom. Your small group leader will send out the call info to you the day before. If you have not yet sent Pastor Kyle your small group preference (Houlton small group, Erkelens small group, Spanish-speakers small group), please do so ASAP by sending him an email at

2. 2nd & 4th Friday Nights - All Church Zoom Meetings

These will be all- church Prayer meetings- very similar to what we have been doing on Friday nights.

3. Men’s & Women’s Meetings (via Zoom)

Men’s meeting will take place on the 2nd Thursday of every month and Women’s meeting will take place on the 4th Thursday via Zoom. Zoom meeting details will be shared on our Slack pages. If you are not on Slack yet, send an email to

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