Here's How You Can Pray For One Another This Week


Thank you for responding and sending them. We’re so used to knowing one another’s needs through experiencing regular fellowship. We talk to one another on Sunday morning. We share life together at small group. We host one another in our homes. We can’t do any of that right now. It’s important to know, however, how to pray for one another and to ask the Lord to guide us, sustain us and encourage us each individually in this season. Here are the prayer requests from this past week (anonymity is maintained):

  1. Pray for those who are experiencing loneliness, depression and extreme isolation

  2. Pray for our neighbors and members experiencing severe lack of resources and access to information limited by language and income barriers.

  3. Pray for healing for Krista Alvarez as a frustrating health issue has returned.

  4. Pray for wisdom for the church’s leaders in determining how best to return to meeting together again once social distancing measures are lifted

  5. Continue to pray for frontline workers - Alice, Kevin, and Angie working in medical contexts, Peter delivering mail daily, Jeff serving the homeless population and others among us.

  6. Pray for favor for those in need of and seeking assistance through SBA loans, unemployment and other resources

  7. Pray that the Lord would strengthen each member’s communion with Him; pray that devotional patterns would be strengthened and that we each learn to trust the Lord well

  8. Pray for the Houltons as they finish up foster training and prepare to receive a child into their home within the next month

  9. Pray for the Lord’s favor as we seek a place to meet on Sundays, given that Heninger may no longer be an option

  10. Pray for little Simon as he continues to battle cancer and for faith for his family during the trial


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