What Our “Sunday best” Looked Like During a Quarantined Easter

Celebrating Christ's Resurrection While Apart

Needless to say, this Easter probably felt different to many of you this year. There was no easter egg hunt with all the kids, no pan dulce together before service and no hugging our brothers and sisters. However, despite not being together on Easter sunday- we were all able to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus together-while apart.

Take a look at some of the photos above to see how everyone spent this Easter.

Thank you for sending photos and videos of your household worshipping together to photos@sovgracesantaana.org. We love to see and share them each week. This will be what services look like for at least another few weeks, so keep sending them along to remind your brothers and sisters of the voices that are joining together with them as we sing, listen and pray on Sunday mornings.

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