March Book of the Month

Surprised by Suffering by R.C. Sproul

Sorprendido por el Sufrimiento por R.C. Sproul

By recommending a new book every month, we’re recommending resources to you that help you to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (2 Pet. 3:18). It is not required that you purchase or read these books. They’re mere recommendations to assist you in choosing good books that help you to make the best use of the precious time you have.

March’s book of the month is “Surprised by Suffering” by R.C. Sproul. If you haven’t yet experienced deep suffering, all you have to do is live long enough. This is a difficult reality of living in a fallen world, awaiting the return of Christ. Yet, God’s Word promises His good and redemptive work not only through our suffering, but even in the midst of your suffering. If you’re currently experiencing the pain of adversity, pick this up and immerse yourself in the truth of God’s Word. If you’re not currently experiencing suffering, pick this up and ground your hear and mind in the Gospel to prepare for the moment when trials unexpectedly come.

Purchase the book in English here.

Purchase the book in Spanish here.