Knowing the Needs of Our Neighbors

Our City is Affected In Many Ways

The COVID-19 virus is affecting everyone in our city in many different ways. We wanted to provide a list of ways that you can help our community during this time.

1) Prayer. The best thing we can do for our neighbors is to pray for them during this chaotic time. This requires knowing what their needs are. Are they reeling from trying to figure out how to manage their schedule with their kids now at home full time? Are they worrying about losing their job? Have they been sent home from work with no sick/vacation pay? Are they worried and anxious about the future? Are they running low on groceries?

2) Support Small Businesses: Many DTSA businesses rely on the visitors they get during the day. Consider buying a giftcard or ordering food for pick up to support them in this season, while practicing social distancing. Downtown Santa Ana’s Facebook page, is a great place to stay up to date on local businesses.

3) Check on your neighbors. Send them a message or give them a call and let them know you are happy to help them if needed.

4) Lastly, stay up to date. Things are changing every day- to stay up to date on the happenings in our city we recommend following them on social media or checking out the city’s website here.

To learn about school closures, click here.

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