*IMPORTANT* Sunday Morning Update + Exposure Protocols


A regular attendee tested positive for Coronavirus on Friday, 11/20. The positive test traces back to an exposure made on Monday, 11/16. Those in the church who had been exposed after Monday have been contacted and encouraged to remain home until a negative test result has been acquired. Those who haven’t been exposed may still plan on attending our in-person gathering tomorrow (11/22), provided you’re not showing any symptoms and follow recommended CDC guidelines during our service. Those remaining at home can still access the Sunday service via livestream.


You can read our church’s official Covid-19 protocols here and read CDC guidelines here for greater detail. For the sake of simplicity, though, the following three points summarize the essentials of how we intend to respond and how we’re asking you to respond in the case of future exposures or positive test results:

  1. If you have knowingly been exposed, please contact the pastoral team ASAP. It’s recommended that you acquire a Covid-19 test and remain at home until a fully-informed collaborative decision can be made on the basis of contact tracing, negative test results and other factors.

  2. If a small group/church gathering attendee tests positive and is suspected to have been positive during the time of a church gathering, the decision will be made to either contact trace and recommend that those exposed follow the steps outlined in point #1 or (in the case that a significant number in the church have been significantly exposed) move subsequent gatherings to the virtual context entirely until the threat has subsided.

  3. If you do test positive yourself, contact the pastoral team ASAP and follow all CDC guidelines including a 10-day quarantine followed by a negative test result and inform all those with whom you’ve had personal contact since exposure as soon as possible.

We know you might be growing weary. We are too. But we have been given the sustaining grace of Jesus Christ our Lord. Let’s continue to go to Him in prayer, depend on the strengthening of His Spirit, love one another despite continued differences in perspective and give God glory as we continue to endure.

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