Orange County COVID-19 Update


On Monday, November 16th, Governor Newsom announced that Orange County has dropped back into the Purple Tier in California’s reopening safety plan. For the latest information and updates on the Coronavirus in California, please visit this website.


  1. Very little will change for us. We’ve been prepared for this. We will still be holding service outside. Guidelines for Places of Worship still permit us to do so while in the purple tier, following a careful set of guidelines . This may mean that if we have a rainy or windy Sunday that we’ll need to do an occasional virtual service while in the purple tier, but this would be the exception, not the rule.

  2. Face-masks must be worn at all times except if you are seated and sitting 6 feet away from the next household. If you’re walking around, talking or less than 6 ft away, we ask that you wear your mask. We will have masks available on Sundays should you need one.

  3. We’re (still) being flexible. We know that by next Sunday, a whole new set of guidelines could be in place. If that happens, we will work swiftly to adhere to those new rules and communicate any necessary changes to you.

  4. Prayer is as important as ever. More of our neighbors are being infected. Wisdom is desperately needed by leaders - from pastors to mayors to governors to know how to continue to respond appropriately to the latest developments. But God is still God. We need Him and He delights to give wisdom and grace to those who ask (James 1:5).

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