Children's Ministry Update

Pandemic Children’s Ministry

Since the Covid-19 pandemic began in March 2020, our Children’s ministry has not been able to meet in person. This is hard for the parents. It’s hard for the kids. As church we have been doing our best to not only serve parents during this season but minister to the young ones in our congregation too.

Every week we release a Children’s ministry video lesson on our facebook page. These videos are based on our curriculum from the Gospel Project. We also provide a Parent resource for each unit with questions you can discuss as a family.

Since we resumed meeting in person, we have also been providing the kids with a note sheet and crayons at every service! We have a volunteer passing these out every Sunday so if you miss it, feel free to ask!

Our latest addition has been calling the kids to the front during our 3 minute break so the preacher can give them a challenge- something to listen for during service! After service kids are invited back up to discuss what they found with the preacher!

We hope this continues to serve you and your family. If you every have any questions or suggestions about Children’s Ministry, please let us know!

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