We Have A Whole New Name


Beginning today, Sunday, November 1, Sovereign Grace Church of Santa Ana has officially become Cross of Grace Santa Ana. The two main reasons we chose to change our name to Cross of Grace are:

  • Cross of Grace communicates  the centrality of the Gospel to our mission and message - it also clearly identifies us as a protestant church.

  • Cross of Grace is easily accessible,  simple to translate (Cruz de Gracia), and is a name that’s not already being used by a church within Santa Ana or even OC.


  • Are we still a part of Sovereign Grace Churches?

    • Yes. We treasure our partnership with Sovereign Grace Churches and have no desire whatsoever to disassociate with the larger denomination or our sister churches.

  • Has anything changed about what we believe or who we are as a church?

    • No. This is a name and branding change. Our statement of faith, identity as a neighborhood church seeking to spread the joy of Jesus in Santa Ana and even our rhythms and patterns as a church will remain unchanged.

  • How can I find or contact the church under the new name? 

    • Our Website is crossofgracesa.org (If you look for our old site, it will automatically direct you here!) 

    • Our Facebook can be found here. (link) 

    • You can email our office here: office@crossofgracesa.org 

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