Two Important Ways To Pray This Week

Orange County Wildfires and The Upcoming Election

On Monday, two wildfires erupted in Orange County. Many have been evacuated from their homes or worry that they might soon need to be.

Next week is the presidential election - an event that has evidenced a deepening division in our nation and one in which many important issues are on the table.

These are big events, but we serve a bigger God. We can trust the Lord to protect our neighbors and to rule sovereignly as King Jesus over our nation. That’s why this week, as every other week, prayer is one of the most significant ways that we can love our neighbors and be meaningfully involved in American politics.

For the Wildfires:

1) Pray that the fires would be contained and extinguished quickly.

2) Pray for the firefighters who are out there risking their lives.

3) Pray for families that have been evacuated and fear losing (or have already lost) their homes.

4) Pray for the health and safety of everyone involved as they fight this fire in the midst of a pandemic.

For the Election:

1) Pray for peace in our nation - that we would trust in our victorious Christ no matter the outcome. Pray that whomever wins, we would be able to respect the office of president, knowing that ultimately, Jesus rules over our nation.

2) Pray for wisdom for our leader in this next term - that God would supply whomever is elected both nationally and locally with wisdom.

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