Our Big Announcement ... We Have a New Name


On Sunday we announced some big news - effective Sunday, November 1, Sovereign Grace Church of Santa Ana will become Cross of Grace. This decision has been in the works since before our church was even planted. As we approach our third anniversary, the timing was right and we’ve decided to move forward into this next year under a new name.


Here are just a few of the reasons we changed our name and why we chose Cross of Grace:

  1. “Sovereign Grace”, while filled with rich theological meaning to those who have studied the Bible and have familiarity with theological terms, is foreign to most new Christians and is unintelligible to most in our community. By our name, few in our city understand what kind of church we are.

  2.  Sovereign Grace Santa Ana is difficult to translate to Spanish (Iglesia Gracia Soberana de Santa Ana) and results in different church initials than in English. 

  3. Cross of Grace communicates the centrality of the Gospel to our mission and message - it also clearly identifies us as a protestant church.

  4. Cross of Grace is easily accessible, simple to translate (Cruz de Gracia), and is a name that’s not already being used by a church within Santa Ana or even OC.


  1. When will this change go into effect?

    • Sunday, November 1. Website, signage, social media, handouts and other collateral will reflect the new name and logo. The new website (crossofgracesa.org) can be accessed directly, but the old website will also automatically redirect to the new beginning Nov. 1.

  2. Are we still a part of Sovereign Grace Churches?

    • Yes. We treasure our partnership with Sovereign Grace Churches and have no desire whatsoever to disassociate with the larger denomination or our sister churches.

  3. Has anything changed about what we believe or who we are as a church?

    • No. This is a name and branding change. Our statement of faith, identity as a neighborhood church seeking to spread the joy of Jesus in Santa Ana and even our rhythms and patterns as a church will remain unchanged.

  4. Why should I be excited about this change?

    • Because it represents the progress of our mission through the progress of our Gospel. We’re growing as a church - both in number and in clarity of mission. It also represents a sustained commitment to the essential message of the Bible and a sustained commitment to effectively reach our Santa Ana neighbors with that message.



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