Joe and Michelle - New Member Testimony

On Sunday, we introduced the newest members of Sovereign Grace Church of Santa Ana. We had the added privilege of hearing from two of them. Read their brief testimony to be reminded of how God is building His Church in our city:

From Joe:

“I just want to thank everybody for allowing us to come up here and share. Due to the pandemic every church closed their doors and we were invited to this church by Jeff and we decided to come and check it out. I noticed that this church was different than other churches. We had been praying for God to lead us to the right church. I started coming to this church and I just started learning more about what it means to be a Christian. I learned about where I needed growth. By joining the men’s meetings, which I really enjoy, I got to know the the men and I just feel like I can get comfortable here. I'm not going to be just a number here where I don't show up for 2 weeks in a row. I know I'll get that phone call asking me if I'm okay or if something’s wrong and that might be the case one day where where I might need that phone call. Also coming here and hearing the the the pastors speak Spanish made me feel at home being that Spanish my second language. I just want to thank you everybody for the walk for welcoming us to the church.”

From Michelle:

“Having a relationship with Christ is my priority and first thing in my life because without him I know that I’m not the person He created me to be. I came to saving faith in 2013 and I was baptized in 2015. My first initial membership at a church was in Indio California at a small Baptist Church which I really enjoyed and appreciated my pastor and had great church friends. We moved to Orange County and bounced around to a couple of churches looking for a home church. We were invited by Jeff and were immediately impressed with his leadership and understanding of the word of God. We’ve come back ever since. I look forward to my relationship with all of you and however I can serve. I've also been attending the women's small group and I look forward to getting to know all you ladies. These relationships are new but they mean a lot to me. I also look forward to my daughter getting to know people and being part of the children's ministry in the future. Thank you so much.”

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