Second Friday Hospitality Challenge


This is the first month of our 2020 Hospitality Challenge. Over the past few weeks we have encouraged you to think of friends and neighbors outside the church that you could share a meal. We want you to be able to use both your home and your time for the glory of God and the good of our Santa Ana neighbors.

This is the first, Second Friday of the year.

Why are we doing a hospitality challenge? Because it’s one of the best ways to get to know and love new neighbors. Author Tim Chester says,

“Few acts are more expressive of companionship than the shared meal… . Someone with whom we share food is likely to be our friend, or well on the way to becoming one.”

In this, we’re simply following the model of Jesus, who used food as a means for effective Gospel ministry:

“Jesus spent his time eating and drinking—a lot of his time … His mission strategy was a long meal, stretching into the evening. He did evangelism and discipleship round a table with some grilled fish, a loaf of bread, and a pitcher of wine.”

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