Kick Start Your Bible Reading In The New Year

The Gospel Coalition Has Designed An Initiative To Help You

The Gospel Coalition is launching an initiative for 2020 called “Read the Bible”. The goal is to help individual Christians and churches feast on God’s Word in the coming year. Here’s what it’ll involve:

1. Bible Reading Plan. Reading the Bible following Robert Murray M’Cheyne’s plan, which will take us through the entire Bible in a year (including the New Testament and Psalms twice). This is the main course. The rest are side dishes. Download the PDF reading plan, print out, and place it in your Bible. Consider printing out copies to give away and invite others to join you as you commit to the reading plan.

2. Daily Newsletter. A daily newsletter with Don Carson’s devotional reflection along with weekly discussion questions for small groups, Sunday school classes, and church reading groups. Subscribe to the newsletter.

3. Podcast. An audio-podcast reading of Don Carson’s For the Love of God (vol. 1), a daily devotional commentary that follows the M’Cheyne reading plan.

4. Online Articles. Bible and theology articles on TGC’s website that track with the weekly Bible readings and help us answer tough questions that arise from what we’re reading in God’s Word.

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Kyle Houlton