You Are The Body of Christ

Thank You to All Our Volunteers

  • Children’s ministry teachers

  • Ushers

  • Greeters

  • Setup/teardown volunteers

  • Audio/Visual tech volunteers

  • Worship team members

  • “Bringers of the Doughnuts and coffee”

  • Volunteers who store and transport Sunday equipment

  • Call to worship volunteers

  • Preachers and other public leaders

  • Small group leaders

  • Finance committee members

  • Mens and women’s group leaders

  • Translators

  • Printers

  • Communion bread bakers

  • Interns

The Apostle Paul compares the local church in 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 to a human body. This illustration helps us to see that if only a couple parts of the body are working, the body fails. But when each part of the “body”, which in the case of the local church are the individual members, are working according to their abilities and function and purpose, the body functions and grows.

By God’s grace, Sovereign Grace Church is a healthy, growing body. Every one of the roles listed above is like a “body” part. Hands, feet, noses, ears, eyes, legs, arms. Whatever role you’ve been playing know how grateful the church is for you. You’re serving joyfully and sacrificially to the glory of God and we see it. The Lord sees it and is pleased. It’s a beautiful thing when God’s Church functions as He intended it to.

If you’re not yet volunteering on a service team, we would love to have you join in. Consider which area that would be of interest to you and send an email to to learn more!

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