Welcome Our New Intern

Jeff’s Internship Begins August 1

Jeff Schlieder is Sovereign Grace Church of Santa Ana’s first intern. The purpose of his internship will be twofold - to give him an opportunity to test out his gifting in a variety of teaching, leadership and administrative contexts. The other purpose is for the sake of evaluation. When members of the church aspire to pastoral ministry or some other leadership context or position, yet have little knowledge of whether or not gifting exists, whether or not they would really enjoy it or have a calling from God to it, positions like internships are helpful both for the individual and the church.

You play a large part in Jeff’s internship. Near the end of his internship, we’ll ask for your observations and perspectives. Beyond evaluation, though, please encourage Jeff. More importantly, be praying for Jeff and God’s leadership in his life and Taylor’s life as they embark together in this new season.

We celebrate God’s grace through Jeff and Taylor!

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