Congratulations Jeff!

Preparing Men For Ministry Through Theological Education

For the past 18 months, 7 men from Sovereign Grace Church of Santa Ana and Sovereign Grace Church of Orange have been working diligently to complete a new initiative that we’ve begun called “The Theology Course”. This course is a means to guide men who aspire to pastoral ministry or some other leadership roles in the church through a course of theological education that also serves to prepare them for ordination within our denomination. While this does by no means guarantee that they will be pastors, nevertheless, it helps to lay the foundation for the expansion of the mission of spreading the joy of Jesus in Southern California.

We congratulate these men, but even more significantly, we congratulate and thank the wives involved who freed up their husbands and made sacrifices to make completion possible.

Our own Jeff Schlieder was among the 7 graduates and was recognized this past Sunday at Church. Congratulations and THANK YOU, Taylor and Jeff, for your sacrifice and faith to be a part of the spread of the joy of Jesus in Orange County, CA.

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