We are Thankful for All Moms

We’re Also Mindful Of Moms For Whom Mother’s Day Is Hard

Mothers are a gift from the Lord. We learn about the comfort, gentleness and kindness of God through mothers (Is. 49; 66; 1 Thess. 2). They’re the ones who raised us, loved us, fed us and taught us what sacrificial love looks like. Mother’s Day is a chance to acknowledge this and show them our affection. It’s a lovely day for mothers.

But not all mothers. For many mothers, this day simply brings to mind sorrowful memories and hard decisions. That’s why this Mother’s Day, we gave a gift to Livingwell Pregnancy Centers - a local nonprofit devoted to serving these very mothers and the children they bear in their wombs and give birth to.

We love the mothers in our church and in our neighborhood and ask God to bless them in their role as mothers.

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