2019 Communion Service Recap

We Ate And Drank In Remembrance

Our second annual communion service was a wonderful time of singing, listening, sharing, loving and remembering. A break from our normal order of service, our annual communion service is an entire Sunday celebration centered around the Lord’s Table. We share an actual meal together - many thanks to the hands that prepared the food, decor and everything else - and then we shared the symbolic elements (the bread and the cup) of the Lord’s Supper together.

There was no sermon and thus, if you’re looking for a sermon recording, you won’t find one this week. However, we were reminded as we shared communion together to remember specifically the love of Christ toward us. This love, according to John 13:34-35, is what our love toward one another is modeled after. It’s also this love which demonstrates to a watching world whom we belong to.

LatestKyle Houlton