First Friday Fast

FRIDAY, March 1

This year, we'll be spending the first Friday of every month fasting together and praying for a particular topic. Church members who fast for all 12 Fridays will be invited to a year-end party to celebrate the answers to our prayers. If fasting is new to you, here are some instructions. 

This month, we’re praying for Heninger Elementary School. Here are a few ideas to guide your prayer:

  • Pray for Heninger’s Pincipal, William Skelly, to lead wisely, courageously and compassionately

  • Pray for Heninger’s 42 teachers

  • Pray for Heninger’s 1,198 students

  • Pray for opportunities for our church to serve the school in tangible ways

  • Pray for the parents - the primary educators of their children - to give their children a Biblical “lens” through which to understand what they’re learning in school

  • Thank God for Heninger Elementary School - Sovereign Grace Santa Ana’s Sunday home for 16 months

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