Get These Dates and Times On Your Calendar

A Lot of Great Opportunities Are On The Horizon …

The regular patterns of fellowship with one another in the church through hospitality, small groups, and the building of individual relationships are where the life that God has created in the local church is most visibly seen. However, interspersed within these moments are special occasions - to grow, to learn and to simply have fun as a church. There are a number of these coming up between now and mid-summer, so get your calendars out and get these dates locked in!

Annual Communion Service

  • Date: March 10th, 5:00-6:30pm

  • Location: Heninger Elementary School

How To Use Your Words To Build Up Your Friends

Women’s Brunch

Loving Your LGBTQ+ Neighbors

Women’s Retreat

Refugio Camping Trip

  • Date: July 8-15

  • Location: Refugio State Beach Group Camping Site

  • Details: Register by emailing, indicating 1) # of campers and names 2) # of vehicles. Trailers count as vehicles 3) Which nights you’d like to camp

An even easier way to keep these events and others like them is to subscribe to our church calendar. You can do so here.

LatestKyle Houlton