No Small Groups this Friday


A reminder that for the month of December, we are letting the church calendar lie “fallow”. In the world of agriculture, soil must remain “fallow” once every few years to maintain its fertility for years to come. To lie fallow is to lie unplowed and unplanted for a time in order for nutrients to be restored. Why are we doing this? Not so that you can pull away from the life of the church, but instead to press into natural and more intimate opportunities to relate to your church family and neighbors. The holiday season is notoriously one of the busiest times of the year. We want to help you to take advantage of the few free moments you have to spend unhurried, unscheduled time with one another and with family for the grand purpose of allowing your heart to be re-fertilized by the work of Christ, fellowship with the saints and companionship with unbelieving neighbors.

There are no small groups or mens/womens meeting this month.

If you ever have any questions about church events, you can look to our church calendar, which is always updated to reflect changes to meetings or events.

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