Pray for Those Without this Holiday

Pray for those without homes or families

Join us today in lifting up our DTSA neighbors without homes or families to spend this Thanksgiving Holiday with. This holiday marks a great opportunity for us to be thankful for all that the Lord has given us. But for some, the things which might characterize most of our list of things to be thankful for are painfully absent from the lists of some. For many, Thanksgiving is a lonely time. For others, the warmth of home is a distant experience. There are those in our community - even perhaps in our church - for whom the Holidays bring to the surface more bad memories than good.

If any of this describes you and we can serve you or pray for you in any way, please email

As a church, we want to lift these neighbors up to the Lord- that He may comfort them & that they may find their hope & thankfulness in Him.

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