Bring Us Your Ideas For Serving Our Neighbors

Last week, our church had the opportunity to partner with other churches and nonprofits and to serve our neighbors in a couple different ways. On Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we assisted with the 3rd annual MLK Breakfast hosted by Emmaus Church and attended by many city and county officials, churches and individuals committed to reconciliation within our city. We want to be a part of Gospel reconciliation between people in Santa Ana.

MLK Breakfast and 2019 Point in Time Homeless Count

On Wednesday evening, we participated in the 2019 Orange County Point in Time Homeless Count. It was literally an opportunity to meet and talk to our neighbors experiencing homelessness as we went out until the wee hours of the morning surveying the homeless in order to acquire accurate data so that the county can in turn provide the best and most needed support for those most in need around us.

There Are Other Opportunities All Around Us

We want to serve our neighbors and in turn, we want to tell them where their ultimate hope lies: in Jesus Christ. There are ready-made opportunities to do this all around us. If you have ideas, let us know! Email

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