It's Official

An Independent Congregation In Downtown Santa Ana

Sovereign Grace Church of Santa Ana has been meeting for 15 months. We’ve been having small groups every tow weeks, monthly mens and women’s meetings, have had a preachers club and baptized people. It’s felt and looked like a church all along.

But up until this past Sunday, we were still dependent on Sovereign Grace Church of Orange - we were technically a ministry or a campus of another church. Now, the umbilical cord has been cut and the senior pastors from Sovereign Grace Orange and Pasadena came down to help us celebrate. The service was followed by a Santa Ana style party - carne aside, frijoles, arroz and, of course, a piñata for the little ones.

God has built and is continuing to build this church for His glory and the spread of the joy of Jesus in Downtown Santa Ana.

LatestKyle Houlton