Preachers Club - Beginning This Week

Equipping Future Teachers For The Local Church

God has gifted every believer with gifts for the explicit purpose of building up the local church. As each person uses and grows in their gifting, it brings glory to God and the intended effect occurs - the church becomes a little bit more like what it is supposed to be. For the next 3 months, a group of men will be gathering every other Sunday evening to grow in the gift of preaching God's Word. They'll read Christ Centered Preaching, have discussions, prepare sermons and some will even preach in the coming months. 

Some have preached many sermons. Some have never taught. We believe that the future preachers, teachers and leaders of Sovereign Grace Santa Ana will be men like these. Please pray that God's grace would be experienced by this group as they seek to honor Him by making much of Christ through the preached Word. 

LatestKyle Houlton