September First Friday Fast

Friday, September 7

This year, we'll be spending the first Friday of every month. Church members who fast for all 12 Fridays will be invited to a year-end party to celebrate the answers to our prayers. If fasting is new to you, here are some instructions.

This month,  we'll be praying together for the women in our city. Here are some suggestions for how to pray:

  • Pray for the young girls in the city - that God would guide and raise them through loving fathers and mothers
  • Pray for high school and college-aged women - that God would bring godly, loyal men into their lives 
  • Pray for the wives and mothers in our city - that they would be a model to their children and the other women in their neighborhood of godly womanhood
  • Pray for single mothers - as they courageously provide for their children
  • Pray for Christ-centered fellowship among women
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