June First Friday Fast

Friday, June 1

In 2018, we'll be spending the first Friday of every month fasting and praying together. Church members who fast for all 12 Fridays (all 11 since we missed January) will be invited to a year-end party to celebrate the answers to our prayers. If fasting is new to you, here are some instructions. 

Also, since the first Friday conveniently intersects with the month's first small group meetings, our small groups will meet at 6:00pm for those who are able to make it by then (at their respective locations) to break the fast and share a meal together, followed by a time of prayer and discussion together at 7:00pm. 

This month, we'll be praying for the outreach efforts of our small groups. Some things to consider praying for:

  • Pray for courage and compassion to move toward our neighbors in love
  • Pray for wisdom to see and move on opportunities
  • Pray for leadership from among the congregation to spearhead opportunities
  • Pray that we would keep the Gospel in clear focus as we seek to extend compassion and love toward our neighbors
  • Pray that God would extend His grace toward our neighbors through Jesus and save them
  • Pray that God would spread the joy of Jesus in DTSA through our small groups
LatestKyle Houlton