April First Friday Fast

Friday, April 6

This year, we'll be spending the first Friday of every month. Church members who fast for all 12 Fridays (all 11 since we missed January) will be invited to a year-end party to celebrate the answers to our prayers. If fasting is new to you, here are some instructions. 

This month, we'll be praying for God to be merciful toward those in our neighborhood who are experiencing the pain of suffering:

  • Those who are homeless
  • Those who are caught in the bonds of various forms of addiction
  • Those who are experiencing the injustice of racial oppression
  • Those who have chronic and painful illnesses
  • Those whose families have been broken by death, divorce, adultery 
  • Those who are struggling for work or finances
  • Ay other form of suffering of anyone in DTSA you're aware of

We'll break the fast together at small group as we pray and ask God to use Sovereign Grace Church of Santa Ana to be stewards of His mercy toward those who are suffering.

LatestKyle Houlton