First Annual Communion Service This Sunday

A Unique And Special Moment In The Life Of The Church

This upcoming Sunday, we’ll be sharing a meal together during our first annual communion service. Communion is a sacrament that we share together on a regular basis as a church family. We do it more often than not on Sundays. But this year, on the same day as our clocks spring forward (the dreaded day when we lose an hour of sleep), we’ll have an entire service devoted to sharing in the Lord’s Table together. 

The service is a demonstration of who we are as a church family. It's a visible reminder of why and by whom we exist. 


Will there be childcare?

Not this Sunday. Family-style means everybody will be together the entire time. Kids will get antsy and that's ok. Don't feel bad about getting up and down from your seat with your children.

I am not sure if I/my children should participate in the Lord's Supper. What should I do? 

Anyone who has placed their trust in Christ is invited to join us. Please read our statement on communion for more information.  We welcome you to contact one of our pastors if you would like to discuss further.

Is there anything I can do to help?

If you'd like to pitch in, email Kelsey Houlton at 

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