2023 Spring Class Registration

As Christians we believe that God’s great goal in our redemption is to create a people “conformed to the image of his Son” (Rom 8:29). A people who look like, love like, and live like Jesus. A people who are being changed as they follow after Jesus Christ. 

The amazing thing about this are the instruments God has chosen to complete this transforming work: us. He's chosen his people to be the means by which his people grow and change. But how is this accomplished? Our Spring Class exists to answer this question. 

Register below to learn what true discipleship looks like and become equipped in encouraging, caring for, and applying the life-changing gospel to every aspect of each other's lives. Over the course of 6 sessions, we’ll grow together as we engage in discussion in a small group setting and read How People Change by Timothy Lane & Paul Tripp. Each participant is required to purchase their own copy of the book. Scholarships are available upon request.

Please note, that childcare will not be offered during the class.

EVERY 2nd & 4th MONDAY @7PM - BEGINNING march 12TH

MEETINGS WILL BE Alternate between the houlton and SchliEder homes