Rancho 3M Short Term Mission Trip


This October, we have plans to spread the joy of Jesus far beyond our city. We’re taking a team to Rancho 3M, an orphanage in Northern Mexico serving fatherless boys and girls ages newborn-18 years old. It’s a ministry which is founded on the gospel of Jesus Christ and operates 100% on the support of Sovereign Grace Churches. Every year, over 30 teams from individual Sovereign Grace Churches come to Rancho 3M to assist with projects the local staff do not have the bandwidth to complete themselves. This year, our local church has the privilege of being one of those teams.

We have a goal of taking a team of at least 6-8 people from our church to assist with a service project and bless the orphanage there. If you’d like to be a part of the team, please complete the registration form below.